Arithmetic, Geometry, Space and Time: A workshop on the occasion of Minhyong Kim's 61st birthday

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Arithmetic, Geometry, Space and Time: A workshop on the occasion of Minhyong Kim's 61st birthday

 25 - 29 Nov 2024

ICMS, Bayes Centre, Edinburgh

Scientific organisers

  • Netan Dogra, King's College London
  • Dohyeong Kim , Seoul National University
  • Jaesung Kwon, Seoul National University
  • Jan Vonk , Leiden University


The aim of this workshop was to survey recent progress on reciprocity laws in arithmetic algebraic geometry, and in the nascent field of arithmetic quantum field theory. Organised in partnership with the Clay Mathematics Institute and the Institute for Data Innovation in Science, the event was also in celebration of the work of Minhyong Kim, who has made pioneering contributions to both subjects. This presented a chance to bring together world class researchers working on reciprocity laws in Diophantine geometry, p-adic Hodge theory, anabelian geometry, Iwasawa theory and the arithmetic and geometric Langlands programmes.

We were grateful for the financial support from the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, European Research Council and National Research Foundation of Korea.



MONDAY 25 November 2024
Welcome and Housekeeping
Alex Betts, Harvard University Unexpected points in non-abelian Chabauty loci
Kiran Kedlaya, University of California San Diego A brief history of nonabelian Chabauty
Jennifer Balakrishnan, Boston University Quadratic Chabauty for modular curves
Richard Hain, Duke University Relative higher Albanese manifolds over modular curves
Welcome reception at ICMS
Public lecture, Karine Chemla, University of Edinburgh and SPHERE, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) & University Paris Cité Working with Positions: A View from Ancient Chinese Mathematical Sources
TUESDAY 26 November 2024
Akio Tamagawa, RIMS Kyoto A finiteness conjecture for abelian varieties over number fields (joint work with Christopher Rasmussen)
Amina Abdurrahman, IHES Chern-Simons action and Reidemeister torsion in arithmetic
Christopher Rasmussen, Wesleyan University Finiteness results for heavenly elliptic curves and connections to complex multiplication
Anna Cadoret, Sorbonne University On the trivial locus of p-adic local systems
Romyar Sharifi, University of California, Los Angeles (remote talk) Eisenstein cocycles and their specializations
WEDNESDAY 27 November 2024
David Jordan, University of Edinburgh Langlands duality for skein modules of 3-manifolds
Xenia de la Ossa, University of Oxford On the arithmetic of Calabi-Yau manifolds
Ishai Dan-Cohen, Ben Gurion University Towards p-adic periods in Chabauty-Kim theory
THURSDAY 28 November 2024
Fabrizio Andreatta, Università degli Studi di Milano A p-adic version of a Theorem of Narasimhan and Seshadri
Mahesh Kakde, Indian Institute of Science The matrix coefficient conjecture
Sug Woo Shin, UC Berkeley The local intertwining relation
Padma Srinivasan, Boston University An algebraic cycle associated to a curve in its Jacobian
Florian Pop, University of Pennsylvania (remote talk) On (birational) Section Conjectures -Old & New
Workshop dinner
FRIDAY 29 November 2024
Jeehoon Park, Seoul National University Flat F-manifolds for smooth projective complete intersection varieties
Magnus Carlson, Goethe University Frankfurt The étale topos reconstructs varieties over sub-p-adic fields
Lunch and End of Workshop

Sponsors and Funders:

  • CMI
  • EMS
  • ERC
  • IDIS
  • NRF