Diophantine Equations, Combinatorics, Analysis in Number Theory: Emerging Researchers

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Diophantine Equations, Combinatorics, Analysis in Number Theory: Emerging Researchers

 19 - 20 Jun 2025

ICMS, Bayes Centre, Edinburgh


Scientific Organisers:

  • Kirsti Biggs, Uppsala University
  • Akshat Mudgal, University of Warwick
  • Javier Pliego, University of Genova


This two-day workshop for Early Career Researchers will be an opportunity for young researchers at PhD and postdoctoral level working in the areas of number theory, additive combinatorics and harmonic analysis to present their work and to meet other early career researchers in these fields. The participants will be able to network with each other, build new collaborations and share experiences, while also being in a relatively informal setting. The event will consist of various research/survey talks along with some problem sessions. 

This workshop will be a satellite conference to the Diophantine Equations, Combinatorics, Analysis in Number Theory workshop to be held the following week at ICMS, 23 - 27 June 2025. It is anticipated that the workshop participants will also attend this conference. 

Participation is by invitation only; there is no online application or registration. Invited participants have been contacted by ICMS.