Bridging the gap between mathematical modelling of lava flows and field observations

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Bridging the gap between mathematical modelling of lava flows and field observations

 09 - 13 Jun 2025

ICMS, Bayes Centre, Edinburgh

Scientific Organisers

  • Hannah Dietterich , US Geological Survey Alaska Volcano Observatory
  • Edward Hinton , University of Melbourne
  • Herbert Huppert , University of Cambridge
  • Christopher Kilburn , University College London


This strategic workshop will bring together applied mathematicians with physical volcanologists to tackle major challenges in predicting and understanding lava flows.

The aim of mathematical modelling of lava flows is to reduce the complex physical system into a simpler configuration that retains enough key processes to provide valuable insights. The skill of the modeller is in selecting the processes that are included and thus close collaboration with volcanologists is vital for success. At this workshop, we will deploy this collaborative modelling methodology to research questions including:

  • How to best mathematically capture non-isothermal features of lava flows?
  • What physics controls the bifurcation of lava flows?
  • What kind of data is needed to drive the next steps of mathematical model development?

Information on particpation to follow in due course.