Spaces of Tensor Categories

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Spaces of Tensor Categories

 21 - 25 Jul 2025

ICMS, Bayes Centre, Edinburgh


Participation details will follow soon.

Scientific organisers

  • Adrien Brochier, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu­ Paris Rive Gauche
  • Pavel Safronov , University of Edinburgh
  • Claudia Scheimbauer, TU München
  • Noah Snyder, Indiana University


Over the past 40 years the study of tensor categories has blossomed into a major field at the intersection of representation theory, quantum field theory, low-dimensional topology, operator algebras, and condensed-matter physics. Historically tensor categories were primarily studied as individual objects, but more recently it has become increasingly fruitful to think of many tensor categories forming the points of some kind of space.
These spaces of tensor categories can be homotopy-theoretic (where the tensor categories are parameterized by a homotopy type) or algebro-geometric (where the tensor categories are parameterized by a scheme). Some prominent examples include the Brauer-Picard homotopy type, the Witt homotopy type, the scheme parameterizing deformations, and the support variety.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together experts and young researchers working on tensor categories and nearby areas as well as explore interactions with other topics in algebra, geometry and topology.

Information on participation to follow in due course.