This two-day event was designed for final year undergraduates to explore opportunities for PhD study in the mathematical sciences in the UK and give an opportunity to find out much more about the PhD experience from current students and supervisors. Speakers were from all over the UK and represented many fields of study across the mathematical sciences.
This meeting was organised by the University of East Anglia. ICMS was pleased to work with UEA to deliver this event.
Recordings of all talks which were recorded are available here
Thursday 9 September | |
Welcome | |
LMS presentation | |
Radha Kessar, City University London | Algebra |
Dmitry Korshunov, Lancaster University | Probability |
Mark Blyth, University of East Anglia | Mathematical Biology |
Coffee Break in gather.town | |
Erica Tyso, Institute of Maths and its Applications | PhD careers in industry |
Sara Lombardo, Loughborough University | Nonlinear Systems |
Surajit Ray, University of Glasgow | Statistics |
Tim Dokchitser, University of Bristol | Number Theory |
Coffee Break in gather.town | |
Supervisor Panel | |
Social in gather.town | |
Friday 10 September | |
Nicola Gambino, University of Leeds | Logic |
Frances Kirwan, University of Oxford | Geometry |
Peter Topping, University of Warwick | Analysis |
Sarah Whitehouse, University of Sheffield | Topology |
Coffee Break in gather.town | |
Student Panel | |
Tri-Dung Nguyen, University of Southampton | Operational Research |
Françoise Tisseur, University of Manchester | Numerical Analysis |
Coffee Break in gather.town | |
Angela Mihai, Cardiff University | Continuum Mechanics |
Paul Sutcliffe, Durham University | Mathematical Physics |
DIscussion in gather.town |