Yambe Tam, ICMS Visiting Fellow in Visual Arts
This hands-on workshop will demonstrate how to render 4D geometry in the game engine Unity. Led by Visiting Fellow in Visual Arts Yambe Tam and creative technologist Albert Barbu, it will cover how to extend 3D object rendering to create 4D objects that can be manipulated in real time. The limitations of this current method will be explored and there will be discussions on improvements and other visualisation approaches.
Participants are invited to submit sketches for 3D and 3D+1 geometries they would like to have visualised in 4D. A selection of these will be modelled for use in the workshop, and in the final artwork produced for the visual arts fellowship. Please send these with 1-2 sentences of context by 22 December to studio@yambetam.com
Spaces at the workshop are limited and this event is aimed at mathematicians and students whose research is in the field of higher dimensions.
You can read more about Yambe Tam and her work on her website.