ICMS Seminar Series
Our online seminar series have ended. You can find details of past seminars at the relevant links below.
Past ICMS seminar series:
- Introduction to Integrability Lecture Series
- LMS Autumn Algebra School
- Introductory Lectures on Manifold Topology: Exotic Spheres
- COW/EmSG/GLEN Joint Summer School
- Young Researchers in Combinatorics Online Primer
- Novel Modelling Insights into Confined Soft Matter Systems
- Scientific Understanding and Modelling of the Decontamination of COVID 19 Infected spaces and surfaces
- Category Theory and its Applications
- Nonlinear Waves and their Applications
- Continuum Mechanics Seminar Series
- South East Mathematical Physics Seminars
- Wave Scattering and Solid Mechanics
- The RepNet Virtual Seminar
- Virtual Integrable Systems Seminars
- Geometry and Topology Online Seminar Series
- LAGOON: Leicester Algebra and Geometry Open ONline
- Warwick Combinatorics
- One World Numerical Analysis
- Stochastic Numerics and Inverse Problems
- Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions, Operator Theory and Applications
- Waves in Complex Continua (Wavinar)
- Research and Teaching in Statistical and Data Sciences