Ivan Cheltsov, University of Edinburgh
Alessio Corti, Imperial College London
Miles Reid, University of Warwick
The two main objectives of this workshop were to put into focus rapid recent developments in the higher dimensional minimal model program and to consolidate advances in the geometry of Fano and Calabi-Yau 3-folds that have arisen over the last decade. In addition, the meeting helped plan how to exploit new results, methods and problems arising from these developments. These topics featured in several international programmes and conferences, including the 2007-08 Warwick EPSRC Algebraic Geometry symposium and the MSRI half-year program on Algebraic Geometry January-May 2009.
Valery Alexeev, University of Georgia - Weighted Hyperplane Arrangements
Caucher Birkar, University of Cambridge - Boundedness vs Thresholds and Flips
Alexey Bondal, Aberdeen University - Mirror Symmetry for Toric Orbifolds
Gavin Brown, University of Kent - Tom and Jerry and Sarkisov Links on Fano 3-Folds
Jim Bryan, University of British Columbia - The Crepant Resolution Conjecture for Donaldson-Thomas Theory and the Orbifold Topological Vertex
Frederic Campana, Institut Élie Cartan Nancy - Special Orbifolds and Classification
Paolo Cascini, Imperial College London - On the Minimal Model Program
Tom Coates, Imperial College London/Royal Society - Higher Genus Gromov-Witten Invariants and Crepant Resolutions
Alessio Corti, Imperial College London - Towards Finite Generation Without the MMP
Lawrence Ein, University of Illinois - Regularities of Projective Varieties
Hiroshi Iritani, Imperial College London - Fourier-Mukai Transformations and Toric Quantum Cohomology
Vasily Iskovskikh, Steklov Mathematical Insitute - On Elements of Prime Order in the Cremona Group of the Plane over a Perfect Field
Jun-Muk Hwang, Korea Institute for Advanced Study - Base Manifolds for Fibrations of Projective Irreducible Symplectic Manifolds
Dimitry Kaledin, Steklov Mathematical Insitute - Motivic Structures in Non-Commutative Geometry
Ludmil Katzarkov, University of Miami - Generalized HMS and Rationality Questions
Frances Kirwan, University of Oxford - Quotients by Non-Reductive Group Actions
Mircea Mustata, University of Michigan - An Inductive Approach to Singularities of Pairs
Dmitry Orlov, Steklov Mathematical Insitute - Generators and Dimensions of Triangulated Categories
Yuri Prokhorov, Moscow State University - On Q-Fano Threefolds
Aleksandr Pukhlikov, University of Liverpool - Birationally Rigid Fano Varieties
Nikos Tziolas, University of Cyprus - Smoothings of Schemes with Non-Isolated Singularities
Misha Verbitsky, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics - Nef Classes on Hyperkaehler Manifolds