Gareth Jones, University of Southampton
Juergen Wolfart, Goethe-Universität
Antonio Breda d'Azevedo, Universidade de Aveiro - Bipartite-Uniform Hypermaps on the Sphere and on the Projective Plane
Marston Conder, University of Auckland - Recent Progress in the Study of Regular Maps
Frank Feierabend, Goethe-University - Galois-Actions on Generalized Macbeath-Hurwitz Curves
Ernesto Girondo Sirvent, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid - Uniform Dessins in Genus 2
Gabino Gonzalez-Diez, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid - Quasiplatonic Riemann Surfaces and Beauville Complex Surfaces
Grzegorz Gromadzki, University of Gdansk - On Singerman Symmetries of a Class of Belyi Riemann Surfaces
Carlo Hamalainen, Charles University - Latin Bitrades to Belyi Functions
Frank Herrlich, Universität Karlsruhe - Relations between Origamis and Dessins d'Enfants
Milagros Izquierdo Barrios, Linköpings Universitet - Equisymmetric Strata of the Singular Locus of the Moduli Space of Riemann Surfaces of Genus 4
Gareth Jones, University of Southampton - The Most Symmetric Dessins
Bernhard Koeck, University of Southampton - About Belyi's Theorem for Klein Surfaces
Pierre Lochak, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - Grothendieck-Teichmueller Theory and Curve Complexes
Cormac Long, University of Southampton - Hurwitz Groups and their Generalisations
Alexander Mednykh, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics - Enumerating Chiral Coverings and Maps
Roman Nedela, Slovak Academy of Sciences/Matej Bel University - Recent Progress in Map Enunumeration
Fedor Pakovich, Ben Gurion University - Belyi Functions of Platonic Solids and Counterexamples to the First Ritt Theorem for Rational Functions
Daniel Pinto, Universidade de Coimbra - Constructions for Nonorientable Hypermaps
Cristina Sarti, Universität Frankfurt - Difference Sets, Incidence Graphs and Dessins d'Enfants
Jan-Cristoph Schlage-Puchta, Universität Freiburg - Recognition of Finite Index Subgroups in Groups with Few Finite Subgroups
Gabriela Schmithuesen, Universität Karlsruhe - Origamis in Outer Space
George Shabat, Russian State University for the Humanities - Calculating Belyi Pairs for the Unicellular Dessins of Positive Genus
Robert Silhol, Université Montpellier 2 - Galois Actions on Certain One Parameter Families of Surfaces
David Singerman, University of Southampton - The Buckyball Curve
Jozef Siran, Open University - Regular Maps of Euler Characteristic -3p for Prime P
Martin Skoviera, Comenius University - Regular Maps with Nilpotent Automorphism Groups
Anthony Weaver, City University of New York - Quasiplatonic Surfaces in the N-Hyperelliptic Locus
Juergen Wolfart, Goethe-Universität - Regular Dessins, Wilson Operation and Cyclotomic Fields
Aaron Wootton, University of Portland - Quasiplatonic Cyclic N-Gonal Surfaces
Alexandre Zvonkine, Université Bordeaux I - On Some Questions Related to Compositions of Coverings