Large Amplitude Internal Waves

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Large Amplitude Internal Waves

 01 - 04 Dec 2008



Triantaphyllos Akylas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - The Effect of Rotation on Nonlinear Stratified Flow over Topography

Tom Bridges, University of Surrey - Degenerate Conservation Laws, Bifurcation of Solitary Waves and Criticality of Internal Waves 

Jerry Bona, University of Illinois - Internal Wave Propagation and Applications to Sand Ridge Formation

Roberto Camassa, University of North Carolina - Unstable Internal Waves in Near Two Layer Fluids

Magda Carr, University of St Andrews - Stability Characteristics of Large Amplitude Internal Solitary Waves

Florent Chazel, Université Paris-Est - A Double-Layer Boussinesq-Type Model for Fully Nonlinear and Highly Dispersive Water Waves

Wooyoung Choi, New Jersey Institute of Technology - Strongly Nonlinear Internal Wave Models and their Applications

Alan Davies, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory - Internal Wave Generation, Breaking, Associated Mixing and Model Validation 

Frederic Dias, École Normale Supérieure de Cachan - Large Amplitude Internal Waves 

David Farmer, University of Rhode Island - Observations of Nonlinear Internal Wave Generation and Evolution

Roger Grimshaw, Loughborough University - Long Wave Models for Internal Solitary Waves

John Grue, University of Oslo - Run-Up of Very Long Internal Waves

Mariana Haragus, Université de Franche-Comté - Stability of Periodic Waves in Dispersive Models 

Karl Helfrich, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Effects of Rotation on Large-Amplitude Internal Waves

Gérard Iooss, Université de Nice - Non-Symmetric Periodic Patterns for Surface Gravity Waves 

Karima Khusnutdinova, Loughborough University - Oceanic Subsurface Bubble Distributions and Internal Waves 

Kevin Lamb, University of Waterloo - Shoaling Internal Solitary Waves: Energetics, Dissipation and Reflection

David Lannes, École Normale Supérieure - Asymptotic Models for Internal Waves 

Hai Yen Nguyen, Université Haute Bretagne - Solitary Wave Interaction for the BBM Equation

Lev Ostrovsky, Zel Technologies/University of Colorado - Modelling of 'Genuinely Strong' Internal Waves  

Al Osborne, Universita' di Torino - Modelling Internal Waves with the 2+1 Gardner Equation

Steve Ramp, Aquarium Research Institute - Observations of Large-Amplitude Nonlinear Internal Waves in the Northeastern South China Sea

Jean-Claude Saut, Université Paris Sud - On a Nonlocal System for Large Amplitude Internal Waves 

Alberto Scotti, University of North Carolina - Nonlinear Internal Waves in Massachusetts Bay: Using a Model to Make Sense of Observations

Victor Shrira, University of Keele - Exact Fully Nonlinear Solutions for Internal Waves

José da Silva, University of Lisbon - Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations of Resonantly Generated Internal Solitary Waves at Race Point Channel (Cape Cod)

Alexey Slunyaev, Russian Academy of Sciences - Analytic Solutions for Long Internal Wave Models with Improved Nonlinearity 

Natalia Stashchuk, University of Plymouth - Evolution of Large-Amplitude Internal Waves over 3D Topography

Shu-Ming Sun, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Linear and Nonlinear Stability of Solitary Waves

Tatiana Talipova, Russian Academy of Sciences - Nonlinear Interfacial Wave Transformation in Basin of Variable Depth: Analytical and Numerical Results

Jean-Marc Vanden-Broeck, University College London - Numerical Studies of Nonlinear Two and Three-Dimensional Interfacial Waves

Eugen Varvaruca, Imperial College London - On the Existence of Extreme Surface Waves and the Stokes Conjecture with Vorticity 

Vasily Vlasenko, University of Plymouth - Amplification and Suppression of Internal Waves in Horizontally Sheared Currents