Scientific Committee:
Martin Bridson, University of Oxford
Montserrat Casals-Ruiz, UPV Bilbao
Jim Howie, Heriot-Watt University
Sarah Rees, University of Newcastle
Pascal Weil, LaBRI Bordeaux
Organising committee:
Laura Ciobanu, Heriot-Watt University
Alan Logan, Heriot-Watt University
Alexandre Martin, Heriot-Watt University
Alina Vdovina, University of Newcastle
Tim Riley, Cornell University
miniGAGTA was a gathering of GAGTA enthusiasts (and other interested parties) for an afternoon (UK time) of short talks by young researchers and informal discussions, during the week when GAGTA 2020 was supposed to take place. It was hosted online by the ICMS, Edinburgh, on Tuesday 23 June 2020.
Matthew Conder, Cambridge | Discrete and free two-generated subgroups of SL2 | |
Katie Vokes, IHES | Geometry of the separating curve graph | |
Simon André, Vanderbilt | Acylindrically hyperbolic groups and elementary equivalence | |
Chris Natoli, CUNY | Two results in the model theory of free groups | |
Feyisayo Olukoya, Aberdeen | Simple overgroups of generalized Thompson groups Vn from asynchronous transducers |