Scientific Committee
Martin Bridson, University of Oxford
Montserrat Casals-Ruiz, UPV Bilbao
Jim Howie, Heriot-Watt University
Sarah Rees, University of Newcastle
Pascal Weil, LaBRI Bordeaux
Organising committee
Laura Ciobanu, Heriot-Watt University
Alan Logan, Heriot-Watt University
Alexandre Martin, Heriot-Watt University
Alina Vdovina, University of Newcastle
Tim Riley, Cornell University
This is the 14th installment of the international series of Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Applications (GAGTA) conferences, whose history and manifesto can be found here.
The conference has taken place in Asia (South Korea), Australia, several countries in Europe (Spain, Germany, France), Israel in 2019, and in the US. This will be the first UK-based GAGTA!
Details regarding the invited speakers and other information about the conference can be found here.
The meeting was to take place in 2020 and was postponed becasue of the pandemic. A "Mini GAGTA" took place online in July 2020. Details of that event can be found here.