New Perspectives in Quantum Representation Theory

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New Perspectives in Quantum Representation Theory

 17 - 21 Nov 2025
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ICMS, Bayes Centre


Scientific Organiser

  • Tomasz Przezdziecki, University of Edinburgh


  • Andrea Appel , University of Parma
  • Martina Balagovic, Newcastle University
  • Iva Halacheva , Northeastern University
  • Stefan Kolb, Newcastle University
  • Ruslan Maksimau, Université de Cergy-Pontoise
  • Evgeny Mukhin*, Indiana University Indianapolis
  • Andrei Negut , EPFL Lausanne
  • Nicolai Reshetikhin*, Tsinghua University
  • Lewis Topley, University of Bath
  • Alexander Tsymbaliuk*, Purdue University
  • Weiqiang Wang*, University of Virginia
  • Michela Varagnolo, Université de Cergy-Pontoise
  • Eric Vasserot , IMJ-PRG Paris
  • Bart Vlaar , BIMSA
  • Huafeng Zhang , Université de Lille


The origin of quantum representation theory dates back to Drinfeld and Jimbo's discovery of quantum groups in 1985. From the outset, the mathematical theory was inextricably linked with various aspects of mathematical physics, including, prominently, the inverse scattering method and quantum integrability. In the 1990s, quantum representation theory was revolutionized by the introduction of powerful geometric methods, pioneered by Nakajima. At the same time, an interplay of algebraic and geometric approaches gave rise to the influential theory of q,t-characters of quantum affine algebras. Since 2000, the field has branched off in multiple directions, with seemingly endless applications.

The aim of the workshop is to bring together the world's leading experts to discuss new developments in quantum representation theory, with focus on the following thematic areas: 
(1) quantum symmetric pairs,
(2) quantum affine and toroidal algebras,
(3) categorification and geometric approaches. 

* = Speaker to be confirmed. 


Applications to attend this workshop are now open. Successful participants will be required to pay a 150 GBP registration fee.

Application deadline: Friday 27 June, 15.00 BST. The application site may close early if capacity is reached. Apply now to avoid disappointment!

Invited speakers will be contacted by ICMS directly and should not apply via this webpage.