All proposals will be refereed by experts and their comments assessed by the Programme Committee.
All proposals should meet the following criteria.
Research Quality
The topic must be of current international importance or likely to be of future international importance.
The invited speakers and participants should be of high calibre (or younger people with high potential) and appropriate to the aims of the meeting.
The aims and objectives of the meeting must be clear and distinctive.
Methodology and Resources
The proposed structure (e.g. numbers, length, organisation of presentations, level of exposition) should be that best able to meet the objectives of the proposal.
The Organisers should have the knowledge and experience to manage the scientific aspects of the meeting.
The resources requested should be reasonable.
Research Impact
The meeting must have the potential to be both internationally significant and significant for UK workers.
Significance may be judged in terms of a workshop's potential impact beyond its own specific mathematical context or in disciplines outside mathematics.