Introductory lectures on manifold topology: Exotic spheres

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Introductory lectures on manifold topology: Exotic spheres

 07 - 18 Sep 2020



One of the milestones in the study of high-dimensional manifolds is Milnor's discovery of exotic spheres (that is, smooth manifolds that are homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to the standard sphere) [Mil56], and their classification in homotopy theoretical terms due to Kervaire and Milnor [KM63]. The goal of these lectures is to explain Milnor's construction of an exotic 7-sphere and Kervaire-Milnor's approach to the classification of these spheres in every dimension. Along the way, we will touch on several central techniques in manifold topology such as characteristic classes, bordism theory, and surgery.


This online mini-course is aimed at graduate students with interest in topology, geometry, and related areas.

Mauricio Bustamante, Cambridge
Manuel Krannich, Cambridge
Manuel Krannich, Cambridge

Past Events:

07 Sep 2020
Mauricio Bustamante, Cambridge
09 Sep 2020
Mauricio Bustamante, Cambridge
14 Sep 2020
Manuel Krannich, Cambridge
15 Sep 2020
Mauricio Bustamante, Cambridge
16 Sep 2020
Manuel Krannich, Cambridge

Sponsors and Funders:

These introductory lectures are sponsored by the London Mathematical Society
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