Iain Gordon, University of Edinburgh
The first goal of this workshop was to bring together the international figures working on Cherednik algebras. Secondly, we widened interest amongst the UK representation theory community in Cherednik algebras and their applications, and to found new collaborations between UK mathematicians. A third aim was to give young mathematicians access to established, international researchers in this field.
The Glasgow Mathematical Journal Research Support Fund, the Edinburgh Mathematical Society Research Support Fund and the London Mathematical Society supported this workshop., University of Warwick | Braided Doubles and Rational Cherednik Algebras |
Arkady Berenstein, University of Oregon | Quasiharmonic Polynomials for Coxeter Groups and Rational Cherednik Algebras |
Yuri Berest, Cornell University | The Generalised Calogero-Moser Spaces |
Pavel Etingof, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Geometry of Rational Cherednik Algebras |
Pavel Etingof , Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Open Problems |
, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Suprise |
Victor Ginzburg, University of Chicago | Character Sheaves and Cherednik Algebras |
Iain Gordon, University of Edinburgh | What is a Cherednik Algebra |
Nicholas Guay, Université de Versailles | Quantum Algebras Associated to Quivers and Symplectic Reflection Algebras |
David Hernandez, Université de Versailles | Double Affine Quantum Algebras and their Representations |
Maurizio Martino, Universität Bonn | Restricted Rational Cherednik Algebras and Two-Sided Cells |
Silvia Montarani, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Finite Dimensional Representations of Symplectic Reflection Algebras Associated to Wreath Products |
Maxim Nazarov, University of York | Extremal Cocycles on Weyl Groups and the Reflection Equation |
Eric Opdam, University of Amsterdam | Classification and Structure of Discrete Representations of Affine Hecke Algebras |
Alexander Premet, University of Manchester | Primitive Ideals and Finite W-Algebras |
Eric Rains, University of California | New Deformations of Coxeter Groups |
Raphael Rouquier, University of Oxford | Introduction to Cherednik Algebras |
Raphael Rouquier, University of Oxford | Microlocalization of Rational Cherednik Algebras |
Takeshi Suzuki, Okayama University | Cylindrical Combinatorics and the Representation Theory of Cherednik Algebras |
Will Turner, University of Oxford | Cubist Algebras |
Monica Vazirani, University of California | The Combinatorics of Tableaux for the Double Affine Hecke Algebra |
Sponsors and Funders:
The Glasgow Mathematical Journal Research Support Fund, the Edinburgh Mathematical Society Research Support Fund and the London Mathematical Society supported this workshop.