Gideon Schechtman, Weizmann Institute |
Tight Linear Embeddings of Normed Spaces |
Guy Kindler, Weizmann Institute |
How to Get Hardness Results from Integrality Gaps |
Piotr Indyk, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Uncertainty Principles, Extractors and Explicit Embeddings of L2 into L1 |
Moses Charikar, Princeton University |
Tighter Local Versus Global Properties for Metric Spaces |
Michael Elkin, Ben Gurion University |
Low Stretch Spanning Trees |
Charles Fefferman, Princeton University |
Extension and Interpolation of Functions |
Nathan Linial, Hebrew University |
The Geometry of Graphs - Some Open Questions |
Jeff Cheeger, Courant Institute |
Generalized Differentiation and Nonembedding in L^1 |
Bruce Kleiner, Yale University |
Differentiation and Bilipschitz Embedding Problems |
Ryan O’Donnell, Carnegie Mellon University |
Understanding Parallel Repetition Requires Understanding Foams |
Shmuel Weinberger, University of Chicago |
Coarse Embeddings of Discrete Groups and their Applications |
Sanjeev Arora, Princeton University |
Geometry and Approximation Algorithms for NP-Hard Problems: a Survey |
Avner Magen, University of Toronto |
Integrality Gap of 2-o(1) for Vertex Cover in the SDP Lovasz Schrijver Lift and Project System |
Vincent Lafforgue, Université de Paris 7 |
Expanders with No Uniform Embedding in a Uniformly Convex Banach Space |
Assaf Naor, Courant Institute |
Isomorphic Uniform Convexity in Metric Spaces |
Manor Mendel, Open University of Israel |
Metric Dichotomies |
Satish Rao, University of California |
Learning Mixtures of Geometric Distributions |
Lior Silberman, Harvard University |
Property (T) is Recursively Enumerable |
Yair Bartal, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Caltech |
Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Caltech |
Ofer Neiman, Hebrew University |
Embedding Metric Spaces in their Intrinsic Dimension |
Ittai Abraham, Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Local Embeddings of Metric Spaces |
Yuval Rabani, Technion |
Low Distortion Embeddings for Edit Distance |
Romain Tessera, Vanderbilt University |
Quantitative Property A and Embeddings of Metric Spaces into Banach Spaces |
Robert Krauthgamer, IBM |
Lower Bounds for Edit Distance Estimation |
James Lee, University of Washington |
Meditations on Planar Graphs |
Santosh Vempala, Georgia Institute of Technology and MIT |
Dispersion of Mass and the Complexity of Randomized Algorithms I |