Mathematical Theories of Abstraction, Substitution and Naming in Computer Science

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Mathematical Theories of Abstraction, Substitution and Naming in Computer Science

 26 - 28 May 2007


  • Maribel Fernandez, King's College London
  • Andrew Pitts, University of Cambridge
  • Ian Stark, University of Edinburgh


The workshop brought together researchers who are applying logic, category theory and set theory to the study of the abstract syntax and semantics of computer languages and systems for symbolic computation and proof.


David Baelde, École Polytechnique  Bedwyr, a Proof-Search Approach to Model-Checking  
Nick Benton, Microsoft Research Limited High Level Types and Low Level Logic
Stefan Berghofer, TU Munich An Overview of the Nominal Datatype Package in Isabelle/HOL 
James Cheney, University of Edinburgh Reasoning and Programming with Nominal Logic  
Gilles Dowek, École Polytechnique Super-Consistency, Normalization and Cut Elimination  
Marcelo Fiore, University of Cambridge A Mathematical Theory of Substitution and its Applications to Syntax and Semantics  
Jamie Gabbay, Heriot-Watt University Names, Computations, Logics the Hole Story 
Martin Hyland, University of Cambridge Comparing Generalised Algebraic Structure
Jean-Pierre Jouannaud, École Polytechnique Confluence Properties of Higher-Order Rewriting Relations  
Dale Miller, École Polytechnique Bindings, Mobility of Bindings and the Nabla Quantifier 
Aad Mathijssen, Eindhoven University of Technology A Formal Calculus for Informal Equality with Binding 
Ian Mackie, École Polytechnique and King's College London Graph Representations of Binders  
Marino Miculan, University of Udine  Bigraphical Models of Calculi with Names 
Gordon Plotkin, University of Edinburgh  An Algebraic Framework for Logics and Type Theories
François Pottier, INRIA  Static Name Control for FreshML 
Ulrich Schoepp, LMU München  Categories with Binding Structure
Sam Staton, University of Cambridge Models of Substitution and Models of Structural Operational Semantics
Alwen Tiu, Australian National University  Proof Systems for Reasoning about Generic Judgements 
Nikos Tzevelekos, University of Oxford  Full Abstractions for Nominal General References  
Christian Urban, TU Munich Formalizations Using the Nominal Datatype Package 
Vincent van Ostrom, Universiteit Utrecht Names and Higher-Order Rewriting 
Ranald Clouston, University of Cambridge Nominal Equational Logic