Graham Everest, University of East Anglia
The workshop was a sequel to the meetings held at Ghent in 1999, Oberwolfach in 2003 and the American Institute of Mathematics in 2005.
Gregory Cherlin Rutgers University Permutation Groups of Finite Morley Rank
Jeroen Demeyer Ghent University Diophantine Sets of Polynomials over a Finite Field
Kirsten Eisentraeger University of Michigan First-Order Undecidability and Hilbert's Tenth Problem for Function Fields of Positive Characteristic
Graham Everest University of East Anglia The Arithmetic of Elliptic Divisibility Sequences
Moshe Jarden Tel Aviv University Undecidability of Families of Rings of Totally Real Integers
Jochen Koenigsmann Max Planck Institute A Galois Theoretic Approach to Decidability of Fields
Yuri Matiyasevich Steklov Institute of Mathematics Computation Paradigms in the Light of Hilbert's Tenth Problem
Laurent MoretBailly IRMAR Positive-Existential Definability in Noetherian Rings
Thanases C Pheidas University of Crete Meromorphic Maps of the Punctured Torus to the Torus and Undecidability
Anand Pillay University of Leeds A Lindemann-Weierstrass Theorem for Semi-Abelian Varieties over Function Fields
Françoise Point Mons-Hainaut University Witt Modules
Bjorn Poonen University of California Characterizing Z in Q with a Universal-Existential Formula
Aharon Razon Elta Systems On Rumely's Local-Global Principle
Thomas Scanlon University of California Defining Valuations on Curves
Alexandra Shlapentokh East Carolina University HTP over Algebraic Extensions of Rational Numbers: Normforms vs. Elliptic Curves
Joseph H Silverman Brown Univeristy P-Adic Properties of Elliptic Divisibility Sequences Katherine Stange Brown University From Elliptic Divisibility Sequences to Elliptic Nets
Marco Streng Universiteit Leiden Divisibility Sequences for Elliptic Curves with Complex Multiplication
Maxim Vsemirnov Steklov Institute of Mathematics Diophantine Encoding and Generalized Cantor's Polynomials