Albrecht Böttcher, Techical University of Chemnitz
Percy Deift, New York University
Eugene Shargorodsky, King's College London
The main aim of the workshop was to bring together the top researchers who apply the Riemann-Hilbert problem and those who work in the spectral theory of Toeplitz operators, to review the current state of the field and, most importantly, to discuss plans for the future. To view photos of the workshop, please click here.
Jinho Baik, University of Michighan - Total Integrals of Painleve II Solutions
Estelle Basor, California Polytechnic State University - Dimer Models and Toeplitz Determinants
Yang Chen, Imperial College London - A Singular Linear Statistics and Painleve III
Maurice Duits, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - An Equilibrium Problem for the Limiting Eigenvalue Distribution of Banded Toeplitz Matrices
Miroslav Englis, Academy of Sciences - Toeplitz Operators from Various Viewpoints
Torsten Ehrhardt, University of California - Gap Probabilities in Random Matrix Theory and Determinants of Wiener-Hopf Hankel Operators
Thanasis Fokas, University of Cambridge - Riemann-Hilbert and Dbar Formalism, Imaging and Integrability
Sergei Grudsky, Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados - Uniform Boundedness of Toeplitz Matrices with Variable Coefficients
Alexander Its, Indiana University - On the Riemann-Hilbert Approach in the Theory of Toeplitz and Hankel Determinants
Yuri Karlovich, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos - Algebras of Pseudodifferential Operators and their Applications
Igor Krasovsky, Brunel University - Hankel Determinants with Singular Symbols
Arno Kuijlaars, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Riemann-Hilbert Steepest Descent Analysis for Non-Intersecting Squared Bessel Paths
Marko Lindner, University of Reading - Fredholmness of Operators in the Wiener Algebra
Francesco Mezzadri, University of Bristol - Derivative of Riemann-Zeta Function, Toeplitz Determinants
Jonathan Partington, University of Leeds - Laplace's Equation and Approximation in Hardy Spaces in 2 and 3 Dimensions
Vladimir Peller, Michighan State University - Approximation by Analytic Matirx Functions in L^p
Beatrice Pelloni, University of Reading - Riemann-Hilbert and D-Bar Problems and Moving Boundaries
Sandra Pott, University of Glasgow - Tangential Interpolation in Vector-Valued H^p Spaces, Carleson Measures and Applicationd to Controlability
Eugene Shargorodsky, King's College London - Toeplitz Operators with Bounded Measurable Coefficients
Ilya Spitkovsky, College of William and Mary - On the Almost Periodic Factorization
Nikolai Vasilevski, Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados - On the Structure of the C^*-Algebra Generated by Toeplitz Operators with Piecewise Continuous Symbols
Elias Wegert, TU Bergakademie Freiberg - Blaschke Representation of Functions on the Circle
David Wenzel, Technische Universitat Chemnitz - A Probability Argument in Favor of Ignoring Small Singular Values of Toeplitz Operators
Harold Widom, Univeristy of California - On the Inverse and Determinant of Certain Truncated Wiener-Hopf Operators
Jani Virtanen, University of Helsinki - Toeplitz and Hankel Operators on the Bergman Space A^1
Mo Man Yue, University of Bristol - Entanglement in the Generalized XY Model and Block Toeplitz Determinant