Stochastic Population Dynamics and Applications in Spatial Ecology

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Stochastic Population Dynamics and Applications in Spatial Ecology

 15 - 20 Jun 2009


  • Leonid Bogachev, University of Leeds
  • Yuri Kondratiev, Universität Bielefeld
  • Richard Law, University of York


Benjamin Bolker, University of Florida - Continuous-Space Moment Dynamics of Single Populations  

Stephen Cornell, University of Leeds - Exact Asymptotic Methods for Spatially Extended Stochastic Populations

Gustav Delius, University of York - Jump-Growth Model for Predator-Prey Dynamics 

Torben Fattler, University of Kaiserslautern - An Invariance Principle for the Tagged Particle Process in Continuum 

Dmitri Finkelshtein, Kiev Institute of Mathematics - Individual Based Models with Competition in Spatial Ecolog

Martin Grothaus, University of Kaiserslautern - Scaling Limits of Stochastic Processes in Continuous Particle Systems

Ostap Hryniv, Durham University - Long Time Behaviour in a Model of Microtubule Growth

Janine Illian, University of St Andrews - Spatial Aspects of Ecological Dynamics  

Yuri Kondratiev, Universität Bielefeld - Random Evolutions in Continuum  

Tobias Kuna, University of Reading - Scaling Limit for Jump, Birth and Death Type Dynamics

Oleksandr Kutovyi, Universität Bielefeld - On Ergodic Properties of Stochastic Evolutions in Individual Based Population Models

Richard Law, University of York - Setting the Scene: Geometry in Ecological Dynamic

Eugene Lytvynov, Swansea University - Scaling Limits of Stochastic Dynamics of Particle Systems in Continuum

Terry Lyons, University of Oxford - Selection as a Tool in Numerical Algorithms

 Alan McKane, University of Manchester - Quasi-Cycles in a Spatial Predator-Prey Model 

Shuhei Mano, Nagoya City University - Ancestral Processes with Bias in Ectopic Gene Conversion or Migration 

Glenn Marion, Biomathematics & Statistics Scotland - Moment-Closure Approximations in Epidemiology and Ecology  

Johan Metz, Universiteit Leiden - Effective Population Sizes and the Canonical Equation of Adaptive Dynamics 

Stanislav Molchanov, University of North Carolina - Ideas of Random Media Theory and Mathematical Models of the Population Structure Dynamics  

Denis Mollison, Heriot-Watt University - Pair Approximations for Spatial Structures?

David Murrell, University College London - Continuous-Space Models for Interacting Species: Moment Closure Methods for Community Dynamics

Andrew Nevai, University of Central Florida - A Comparison of Spatial Interactions at Different Scales

Maria João Oliveira, Universidade Aberta/CMAF - Stochastic Dynamics of Infinite Particle Systems 

Otso OvaskainenUniversity of Helsinki - Evolution of Dispersal in Heterogeneous Environments  

Michael Röckner, Universität Bielefeld - Fokker-Planck Equations on Hilbert Spaces

Anja Voss-Böhme, Technische Universität Dresden - Rigorous Analysis of Stochastic Particle-Based Models in Developmental Biology