Networks: Stochastic Models for Populations and Epidemics

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Networks: Stochastic Models for Populations and Epidemics

 12 - 16 Sep 2011


Scientific Organisers

  • Tom Britton, Stockholm University
  • Malwina Luczak, Queen Mary University of London
  • Peter Neal, Lancaster University


Denis Mollison has created a website for the workshop with most slides available through the "talks" section. 

Speakers and their talk titles

Tommi Asikainen, ECDC - Presentation of ECDC, Modelling Networks and Data Availability 

Frank Ball, University of Nottingham - Epidemics on Random Networks with Household Structure 

Iain Barrass, HPA - Interpretation of Large-Scale Stochastic Epidemic Models 

Viet Chi Tran, Université Lille - Large Graph Limit and Volz' Equations for an SIR Epidemic Spreading on a Configuration Model Graph  

Damian Clancy, University of Liverpool - The Effects of Population Heterogeneities on Spread of Infection  

Maria Deijfen, Stockholm University - Scale-Free Percolation 

Ian Hall, HPA - Building Behavioural Response Effects into Stochastic Models for Contingency Planning 

Alexander Holroyd, Microsoft Research - Invariant Matching 

Valerie Isham, University College London - Spread of Information/Infection on Networks 

Mirjam Kretzschmar, University Medical Centre Utrecht - Dynamic Pair Formulation Models 

Theo Kypraios & Philip O'Neill, University of Nottingham - Statistical Inference for Epidemics on Networks  

Vlada Limic, Université de Provence - Exchangable Coalescents  

Joel Miller, Harvard School of Public Health - Edge-Based Compartmental Models for Epidemics on Networks  

Denis Mollison, Heriot-Watt University - Network Models for Epidemics 

Peter Neal,  University of Manchester - Variance of the Giant Component of a Random Graph 

Etienne Pardoux, Université de Provence - Continuous Limit of Probabilistic Models of Population with Interaction  

Lorenzo Pellis, Imperial College London - R_0 and Other Reproduction Numbers for Epidemic Models with Household Structure 

Mathew Penrose, University of Bath - Random Geometric Graphs 

Piero Poletti, ECDC - ECDC Work on Varicella Vaccination Modelling in EU/EEA/EFTA Countries 

Gianpaolo Scalia-Tomba, ECDC - ECDC Work on Generation Times in Epidemic Modelling 

Boris Schmid, Utrecht University - How Does the Sexual Behaviour of Individuals Relate to Commonly Used Sexual Behaviour Summary Measures 

Pieter Trapman, Stockholm University - SIR Epidemics on Random Intersection Graphs 

Remco van der Hofstad, TU Eindhoven - Hypercube Percolation 

Ard van Sighem, ECDC - ECDC Work on Estimating HIV Prevalence in EU/EEA/EFTA Countries