Lehel Banjai, Heriot-Watt University
Penny Davies, Strathclyde University
Dugald Duncan, Heriot-Watt University
Heiko Gimperlein, Heriot-Watt University
Numerical methods based on boundary integral equations are powerful tools in a number of engineering applications, in particular in problems posed in unbounded domains. In recent years ground-breaking work has been done on high-frequency problems, on time-domain boundary integral equations, stochastic integral equations, etc. The resulting numerical methods are usually intrinsically highly accurate, but require deep analysis, refined algorithms, and the power of high performance computing to make them competitive in applications.
To foster mathematical and computational research on boundary integral operators for elliptic and hyperbolic PDE
To expose academic research in algorithm development and analysis to interested parties outside academia
To enhance interactions between mathematicians and practitioners
To promote collaboration between academics
Maria Lopez Fernandez, University of Zurich - Runge-Kutta Generalized Convolution Quadrature
Martin Schanz, Graz University of Technology - Convolution Quadrature Based BEM in Elastodynamics: Efficient Computation of the Integration Weights
Toufic Abboud, IMACS - Applications of Retarded Potentials
Jon Trevelyan, Durham University - Enrichment of Boundary Element Computations Using Non-Polynomial Functions
Ivan Graham, University of Bath - When Is the Error in the H BEM for Solving the Helmholtz Equation Bounded Independently of K?
Olaf Steinbach, TU Graz - Schur Complement Preconditioners for the Biharmonic Dirichlet Boundary Value Problem
Matthias Maischak, Brunel University - Exact and Numerical Quadrature in 3d BEM, New Developments
Ralf Hiptmair, ETH Zurich - Operator Preconditioning for BEM on Curves
Jens Melenk, Vienna University of Technology - Convolution Quadrature for the Schrodinger Equation
Heiko Gimperlein, Heriot Watt University - Residual A Posteriori Error Estimates for TDBEM II
Stephen Langdon - University of Reading - Boundary Element Methods for High Frequency Scattering by Screens
Isabelle Terrasse, Airbus Group - Applications of Accelerated BEM in Aeronautics
Ernst Stephan, Leibniz Universität Hannover - Residual a Posteriori Error Estimates for TDBEM
Simon Chandler-Wilde, University of Reading - Boundary Integral Equations on Fractals and Pre-Fractals
Stefan Sauter, University of Zurich - Adaptive Time Discretization for Retarded Potentials
Nicolas Salles, University College London - Exponentially Convergent Convolution Quadrature Schemes for Time-Domain Problems
Alexey Chernov, University of Reading - Space-Time Galerkin BEM for the Heat Equation
Francisco-Javier Sayas, University of Delaware - Acoustic Transmission Problem in the Time Domain
Peter Monk, University of Delaware - Time Domain Volume Integral Equations and Convolution Quadrature