Scientific Organiser
Aram Karakhanyan, University of Edinburgh
Ali Taheri, University of Sussex
This conference was devoted to the current trends in partial differential equations and geometric analysis. This year the focus was on Calculus of Variations, Nonlinear PDEs, Free and moving boundary problems and related questions. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss recent developments in this disciplines, and to explore future directions.
The previous PDE conference took place in Sussex and to learn more, click here.
Henrik Shahgholian, KTH Stockholm - Free Boundaries Arising from Semi- and Quasilinear Problems
Manuel del Pino, Universidad de Chile - Minimal Surfaces and Entire Solutions of the Allen Cahn Equation
Nicola Garofalo, University of Padova - An Epiperimetric Inequality Approach to the Regularity of the Free Boundary in the Signorini Problem for Variable Coefficient Operators
Bjorn Gustafsson, KTH Stockholm - On the Curvature of Some Free Boundaries, in Two and Higher Dimensions
Nicolas Dirr, University of Cardiff - Interface Evolution in the Random Obstacle Model
Eugen Varvaruca, University of Reading - Global Bifurcation of Steady Gravity Water Waves with Critical Layers
Gregory Seregin, University of Oxford - Ancient Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations in a Half Space
Dorin Bucur, Université de Savoie - Optimal Shapes for Spectral Functionals
Daniel Coutand, Heriot-Watt University - Finite Time Geometric Singularities in Moving Boundary Problems
Marius Ghergu, University College Dublin
Erik Lindgren, KTH Stockholm - Nonlinear Nonlocal Equations and Regularity
Kaj Nystrom, Uppsala University - Quasi-Linear PDEs and Low-Dimensional Sets
Gui-Qiang Chen, University of Oxford - Some Free Boundary Problems in Shock Reflection/Diffraction and Related Transonic Flow Problems
Monica Musso, Universidad de Chile - Infinite Time Bubbling in the Critical Heat Equation: the Role of Green's Function