UK-APASI in Mathematical Sciences

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UK-APASI in Mathematical Sciences

 14 - 16 Mar 2022


This is the webpage for UK-Africa Postgraduate Advanced Study Institute (UK-APASI) in Mathematical Sciences online delivery of UK-Africa Postgraduate Advanced Study Institutes and Workshop Series. This is in collaboration with SAMSA / the MASAMU programme


The main objectives were:

  1. To strengthen the UK and Southern African human infrastructure development in Mathematical Sciences research through capacity building,
  2. To forge and sustain collaborative relationships between applied mathematicians in the UK and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) on both research and teaching fronts aimed at untangling development challenges faced by Official Development Assistance (ODA) countries in the SSA region, and
  3. To use mathematics to influence government policies on disease, crime and wildlife management, control and prevention. The mode for building capacity within UK-APASI is to address existing and emerging questions relevant for SSA (e.g. control of infection disease transmission, control of crime spread, management and conservation of wild-life) using applied mathematics both interdisciplinary and inter-institutionally.

In partnership with the Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association (SAMSA) which is a regional umbrella representing over 40 Universities throughout the Sub-Saharan Africa region (see for details), the UK-APASI programme will train a new generation of future leaders for Africa, highly skilled in the applications of mathematics to real-life problems in SSA. SAMSA will help us to recruit and train African researchers including Masters, PhD, Postdocs and Early Career Faculty as well as mentoring Heads of Departments of Mathematics on research and teaching management and good practice. A cohort of PhD students will be recruited from outside Africa to participate in the research activities and part of their role is to provide student-to-student mentoring of African researchers.

Due to COVID-19, all activities were delivered online with the support of ICMS, Edinburgh, Scotland.

As outcomes, virtual research groups will be formed in the areas of mathematics applied to health, crime and ecology questions in SSA, with emphasis on publishable research outcomes on problems of global significant to SSA. The research groups will interact virtually through zoom, Skype or other Telecon facilities throughout the life-time of the project and are expected to establish long-term collaborations beyond the lifetime of the training network.

The UK-APASI Program is supported by the United Kingdom Global Challenges Research Fund and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under Grant Ref: EP/T00410X/1


The first workshop was held on 17 December 2020. The last workshop was held on 16 March 2022. 

  • Workshops were hosted on Zoom
  • Liam Holligan (Conference Co-ordinator, ICMS) will be in touch with the Meeting link and programme details in advance of each workshop
Previous Workshops
17-18 Dec 2020 Start Up Meeting
22-24 Feb 2021 Infectious Tropical Disease and COVID-19 Modelling: Towards disease control policies supported by scientific evidence. Mathematics of Public Policy
15-17 Mar 2021 Modelling, analysis, numerical methods and applications of ODEs and SDEs
12-14 Apr 2021 Modelling, analysis, numerical methods and applications of PDEs
24-26 May 2021 Statistical methods for data analysis, model and parameter estimation. Crime modelling in Sub-saharan Africa and Financial Mathematics
28-29 Jun 2021 Research Group Presentations
11-13 Oct 2021 Research Group Presentations
17-19 Jan 2022 Research Group Presentations
14 - 16 Mar 2022 Research Group Presentations

Sponsors and Funders:

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