Rewilding Mathematics Workshop (A Mathematics for Humanity Programme)

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Rewilding Mathematics Workshop (A Mathematics for Humanity Programme)

 17 - 21 Jun 2024

Edinburgh Climate Change Institute

Scientific Organisers

  • Christina Cobbold, University of Glasgow
  • Sarah Durant, Institute of Zoology, London
  • Rachel McCrea, Lancaster University
  • Sergei Petrovskii, University of Leicester
  • Nathalie Pettorelli, Institute of Zoology, London
  • Michael Singer (Lead Organiser), University College London
  • Johan du Toit, Institute of Zoology, London


The goals of the Workshop were:

  • Review of topics discussed in the Rewilding Maths Seminar series and identification of research questions at the interface of rewilding and the mathematical sciences
  • Group work on these research questions: new results and refinement of the questions
  • Planning for publication of results, setting agenda for future work
  • Discussion of follow-on funding and future collaboration


Our question: `How can maths help with rewilding?’ This was a working workshop. There were a few informal presentations. The time was largely devoted to working in groups on the topics we had identified in the responses to the recent questionnaire. Groups also had time to share their progress and questions. 

Monday 17 June
Registration and Refreshments
Welcome and Housekeeping
Presentation of the Drumbrae Rewilding project by Annie Yang, followed by Q+A
Presentation and discussion of working group topics , Online participants encouraged to attend and join the discussion
Welcome Reception, hosted at ECCI
Tuesday 18 June
Organisation of the topics and the groups
Working in groups
Catch-up and discussion with online participants, Johan du Toit speaking on adaptive cycle (14.00-14.20) & Jorge Ramirez speaking on leverage points (14.30-14.50)
Working in groups
Catch-up and discussion with online participants, Wayne Getz speaking on Biomass transformation webs (17.00-17.20)
Wednesday 19 June
Working in groups, Tom Hodgson speaking on financing rewilding (9.30-9.50)
Collect your packed lunch and get ready for field trip
Field trip to Drumbrae Rewilding project
Thursday 20 June
Working in groups - time to start drawing conclusions
Catch-up and discussion with online participants
Next steps preliminary discussion
Catch-up and discussion with online participants
Workshop Dinner, hosted at Blonde Restaurant
Friday 21 June
Working in groups
Closing discussion
Lunch and End of Workshop