Inverse problems and artificial intelligence in medicine

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Inverse problems and artificial intelligence in medicine

 23 Jun - 04 Jul 2025
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Univeristy of Bath

This event will focus on using machine learning approaches in medicine and best practice approaches.


  • Clarice Poon, University of Warwick
  • Mike Roberts, University of Cambridge
  • Matt Thorpe, University of Warwick


Machine Learning has the potential to revolutionise healthcare. For example, through advanced screening to catch disease early, increased efficiency to free up doctor time and the capability to offer personalised treatment plans for quicker recovery. However, there should be concern on applying machine learning methods blindly. In this event we will focus on machine learning approaches in medicine and best-practice approaches.

The event takes place over two weeks at the University of Bath.

The LMS-Bath Symposium on Inverse Problems and Artificial Intelligence in Medicine is a 2-week programme funded by the ICMS where the first week is a summer school and the second week is a workshop. Full details can be found on this website  Registration will open in January 2025. The week after the symposium there is a Maths4DL event on Inverse Problems and Deep Learning