NSeaG: Non-Commutative Geometry along the North Sea

Home > Workshops > 2025 > NSeaG: Non-Commutative Geometry along the North Sea

NSeaG: Non-Commutative Geometry along the North Sea

 26 - 29 May 2025
Registration closed

ICMS, Bayes Centre, Edinburgh

Scientific Organisers

  • Nadia Larsen, University of Oslo
  • Christian Voigt, University of Glasgow
  • Mike Whittaker, University of Glasgow
  • Sophie Emma Zegers, Delft University of Technology


Bringing together junior and senior researchers in non-commutative topology and geometry, this 4-day workshop will give them opportunities to exchange insights on newly identified open problems and to establish a common ground for them, to facilitate development of early career researchers (ECRs) in NCG, and to provide a framework to strategise large scale grant opportunities.

We acknowledge the support of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. 


Applications closed and late applications will not be considered. All applications will be reviewed by the scientific organisers and the aim is to advise participants of their decisions in a month after the closing date. 

Please note, we may not be able to provide financial support of travel and accommodation for each successful applicant, we will review your request on a case by case basis. And there is a registration fee required to settle at £150.

Only successful participants with special needs or those who must fulfil strict visa requirements are encouraged to apply as early as possible and to contact ICMS immediately.



Sponsors and Funders:

  • Edinburgh